CLC Trip to the Corvette Club of Windsor Corvette Show

June 10th

What a great venue!  We had a nice nine car caravan down to and through the Tunnel, came out in Canada and in a couple of minutes we were on the river front overlooking the Ren Cen towers.  A nice shady spot to sit and visit while we wait for all the trophies to be announced.  CLC was well represented taking four major awards including, 2nd for C4 (Renee ALWAYS gets a trophy), 2nd and 3rd for C5, and 2nd (with our friend Lou from V8 Estate taking 1st) for C6.  We ending up the great day with some Tunnel BBQ but just had to skip dessert for a change. Nice job Jim R. introducing our club to a new event with international flavor.

Thanks to Nancy K. for the photos.