Corvette Legends Club (Non CLC event) Cruise to the
Competition Corvette Club Show in Toledo, Ohio
August 22, 2009
We were invited to cruise with the Rainbow Corvette Club of Flint and had a 14 Corvette caravan to Toledo for the Competition Corvette Club's first annual show. There were six Corvette Clubs at the show and we had great club camaraderie and a great time.
Thanks to the Rainbow Corvette Club for inviting us to cruise with them.
Thanks to the Competition Corvette Club for putting together a great show.
After breakfast at Alex's
We met up with the Rainbow |
we were on the road
Corvette Club in Ann Arbor |
At the Friendship Bap
tist Church in Toledo
Two big winners of the show - CLC's own Jimmy and Doug.
Congrats!!!!! |