Corvette Legends Club Dinner Cruise
and Northville Homecoming Parade
October 2, 2009
Corvette Legends was asked to participate in the Northville High School Homecoming Celebration prior to the Homecoming football game on Friday night. We had five CLC Vettes parade through downtown Northville and up to the football field. At the end of the parade we remembered why parades are so difficult, especially ones that go uphill most of the way. The great CLC camaraderie at the Deadwood Bar and Grill made up for the hot, smelly clutches. We had 29 people at the Deadwood for dinner and a few of us hung around for drinks (and ice cream) - Tom G.
Thanks to Paul, Jim G., Doug, Tom G., Jimmy & Sandy for driving in the parade. It was surely appreciated by the NHS Homecoming committee.
Thanks to Denny and Tom G. for the photos.